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The Bayview Hotel


Travel & Tourism


Facebook Ads


Moo To You


Food and Beverage


Facebook Ads

The Bayview Hotel's Digital Journey

The Bayview Hotel, nestled in a prime location offering breathtaking views and exceptional service, embarked on a digital marketing journey to enhance its online presence and drive direct bookings.

From Local Dairy to Thriving Full-Scale Delivery

Moo To You, evolving from a local dairy delivery initiative during lockdown to a full-scale food delivery enterprise, turned to Big Rock Digital for expertise in scaling their business.

Initial Challenges

The Problem

The Bayview Hotel faced significant challenges in its quest to maximise direct bookings through digital channels.

Prior to engaging with Big Rock Digital, the hotel had attempted to leverage Paid Social with multiple marketing agencies, but these efforts had not yielded the desired results.

This history of underperforming campaigns added an extra layer of complexity, necessitating a fresh, innovative approach to truly capture and engage the hotel's target audience.

Initial Challenges

The Problem

Moo To You, despite its promising beginnings and unique business concept, encountered significant hurdles in scaling up and broadening its customer reach.

Before collaborating with Big Rock Digital, the company's forays into Paid Social media marketing were falling short of expectations, leading to inefficiencies in attracting customers and generating online traffic.

Overcoming Hurdles

The Solution

In response to these challenges, Big Rock Digital devised a full-funnel Paid Social campaign that was carefully designed to engage potential guests from their initial awareness to the final booking stage.

The strategy began with top-of-funnel targeting that raised awareness and attracted potential guests by showcasing the hotel's unique selling points through engaging content.

It then moved to remarketing efforts aimed at users who showed interest but had not yet made a booking, keeping the Bayview Hotel top of mind.

Finally, discounts at the bottom of the funnel were utilised to incentivise users to complete their booking, effectively converting interest into action.

Overcoming Hurdles

The Solution

In tackling Moo To You's challenges, Big Rock Digital implemented a focused digital marketing strategy.

We honed in on Facebook advertising, creating targeted campaigns that resonated with the desired audience.

Our approach included advanced audience segmentation and engaging content, enhancing Moo To You's online presence and customer reach.

This scalable strategy significantly improved Moo To You's market position and profitability.

Impactful Advertising

Creative Strategy

The campaign's creative strategy was pivotal in its success, utilising a mix of video content, single images, and carousels to showcase the Bayview Hotel's offerings.

Video content captured the essence of the Bayview Hotel experience, immersing potential guests in the atmosphere and amenities of the hotel.

Single images highlighted the hotel's luxurious rooms, exquisite dining options, and stunning surroundings, while carousels offered a dynamic way to present the range of experiences available to guests.

This multifaceted approach ensured that the campaign communicated the hotel's value proposition in a rich and varied format, appealing to a broad audience and catering to different preferences and interests.

Impactful Advertising

Creative Strategy

We developed a narrative for Moo To You that struck a chord with the audience's preference for fresh, convenient, and high-quality food.

This strategy combined visually appealing imagery with captivating storytelling, centring on the freshness and local sourcing of ingredients. Emphasising the simplicity and pleasure of preparing delicious meals at home with Moo To You's varied product range was crucial.

Moreover, the brand's commitment to sustainability and supporting the community was highlighted, resonating with the values of our target customers.

This approach effectively conveyed Moo To You's unique selling points, distinguishing the brand in the competitive food delivery market.

Unprecedented Growth

The Results


Return On Ad Spend


Revenue Generated


Amount Spent

Unprecedented Growth

The Results


Return On Ad Spend


Revenue Generated


Amount Spent